The Startup Squad empowers girls to realize their potential and follow their dreams, whatever their passions.
Brian Weisfeld, Founder of The Startup Squad, has been an entrepreneur his entire life. In elementary school, he bought gummy bears and hired his friends to sell them. As a teen, he made and sold mixtapes, sorted baseball cards, babysat, and sold nuts and dried fruit in a neighborhood store.
As an adult, he helped build several well-known billion-dollar companies including IMAX Corporation and As he watched his oldest daughter struggle to sell Girl Scout cookies, he decided to write a novel series to inspire girls to open their first lemonade stands or other businesses and to empower them with an entrepreneurial mindset.
The Startup Squad is Brian’s first book series co-authored with the fabulous Nicole C. Kear. He lives in Silicon Valley with his family.
Watch the video interview with Brian & Mistake Club below.